Your Wild Soul Reflection
Connect with "Your Wild Soul Reflection", hosted by Intuitive Astrologer/Visionary, Musician/ Sound Alchemist and Tarot Guide, MaeRuth McCants Ph.D. Express your Inner Wise Self by journeying to the land of your own fantastic imagination. Listen to the genius of your intuition. Be inspired by the the most unique person there is, "You". We'll explore, being empowered and guided by intuitive insights of astrology, tarot and the number codes. We're going to venture into the wonderful world of sound immersion, while tuning up our lives with the "music of the planets". Yes, it's time to walk the "Mythical Magical Alchemy Soul Path Way".
Your Wild Soul Reflection
Juneteenth 2023: A New Vision with the New Moon in Gemini, "Echoes of Freedom and Truth"
In this episode, I'm offering a different perspective, and perhaps a"new view" of the American holiday, "Juneteenth". Generally, this date is described as an observance and declaration of "freedom and emancipation" of enslaved African peoples, in bondage and servitude for almost four centuries. Now declared a national holiday for celebration, it is more appropriately a commemoration of the dark and bleak times in this country.
In 2021, under the presidency of Joseph R. Biden, a proclamation was signed that made the date of June 19th a national holiday observance. Many Americans of African heritage have long acknowledge this date as a time of "cultural remembrance".
If you have been a listener for awhile, you are starting to understand that "Your Sacred Wild Soul" is where I seek to explore the continuing journey of living using insight systems with an emphasis on astrology, divination cards and guided inquiry. More and more, I am including the power and the vibration of how sound creation changes and affects our Soul expression. In great part, I am seeking to be a voice and guide that endeavors to offer pathways for tuning into our intuition, wisdom and unique Soul frequencies.
So, Juneteenth, then becomes a way to meet ourselves in 2023 through embodying the understanding of what "freedom" means in terms of the heart-centered emanation of "Your(our) Sacred Wild Soul". The over arching message that I propose, is "how well are you and I willing to know ourselves?
As you listen to this episode, my essential question is: "where in your life do you heard the "echoes of freedom and truth" calling to you?
With the New Moon in Gemini, there is an opportunity to make a personal declaration, where everyone can be part of the evolutionary shift towards self empowerment and transformational living. Listen to the "Echoes of Freedom and Truth" in Your Heart.
We are pleased to offer our "Juneteenth" tribute through connection with ancient African wisdom. Be Blessed and Enjoy . Ashe.
(click here https://youtu.be/kb69ACNYO60
Check out Kathy Harmon-Luber website: https://www.sufferingtothriving.com
Please come and Celebrate, on Sunday, June 18th, at The Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living, Redondo Beach, CA the Freedom Day "Juneteenth" Celebration: A Time for Remembering.
Let's have an Astrology Conversation. I look forward to seeing you. Now is the time.
I am proud to announce my new offering as a Certified Creative
Depth Coach. As a Creative Depth Coach, I provide guidance, support and soul insights on how to discover, explore and navigate your life by recognizing your magnificent "Creative Genius".
Some of my modalities and Soul tools are "Art as Process" EFT Tapping, Sound and Music for Inner Journeying , using the wisdom of Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and Numerology. l
Enjoy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Drumming Video:
"Calling The Wild", Original Music by MaeRuth McCants