Your Wild Soul Reflection

Centering Your Creative Self with Mercury in Capricorn Retrograde, 2023: Listen to the Wisdom of Your Heart

MaeRuth McCants

As we near the end of this calendar year, there appears to be a mad dash to be rid of 2023.   My own preference though is more like  "feeling my way" into this Mercury retrograde cycle. The words, "Listen to the Wisdom of Your (Our)Heart" is echoing in my mind.

Mercury is the planet that deals with all forms of communication.  The kernel of wisdom flowing through my awareness as I wrote and recorded this episode,  was essentially one thought.  Is there something important and valued, that will travel with each of us from this year?

This thought really caught my attention.  On social media, television, and across the internet in general,  everything is centered around,  get a word,  journal an intention, or buy  something new for  2024.

My question is,  what if the past 3 years  actually hold  a powerful message about how to move into 2024 with greater ease,  good feeling,  deeper self-understanding, and with an overall sense of your own wondrous and unique self.

What I am suggesting  is that we embrace Mercury in Capricorn, as it brings us to the Sacred Solstice  through acceptance of our soul- life choices.    What this means is the acceptance  of being exactly where you are meant to be in every moment, doing  precisely what you are here for.

From a personal perspective,  I received a jolt of energy that I need to review  the various classes and courses, that have been waiting for my time and attention.

I have to confess, that I have a number of them waiting for me.   By becoming mindful,  reflective, and listening to my "inner muse" I realize 2024 will be a lot more emotionally satisfying and  creatively liberating.   What I have discerned from this Mercury message  is the need to listen to our hearts before we think,  speak or take action.   

The major step is being attuned and  listening  to your own self-talk.  Yes, we are surrounded by the outer world, and many voices.  This is the time though to get quiet, and listen to what you want for your life.  This could be the best gift you can give yourself for moving into 2024. 

What I am taking into 2024 is a shifting of my  vibrational frequency.  I'm giving myself gifts of commitment,  completion and  finishing things. I am ready to celebrate the power of transforming, embracing and being inspired by the wisdom of my heart.

 Are you ready to listen to Your Heart?

Let's have an Astrology Conversation. I look forward to seeing you. Now is the time.

I am proud to announce my new offering as a Certified Creative
Depth Coach.
As a Creative Depth Coach, I provide guidance, support and soul insights on how to discover, explore and navigate your life by recognizing your magnificent "Creative Genius".

Some of my modalities and Soul tools are "Art as Process" EFT Tapping, Sound and Music for Inner Journeying , using the wisdom of Astrology, Tarot, Oracle and Numerology. l

Enjoy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Drumming Video:

"Calling The Wild", Original Music by MaeRuth McCants